Privacy and data protection policy

I. Presentation and right to information

DINGONATURA, S.L. (hereinafter, "DINGONATURA"), with registered office at Calle de la Electrónica, 16 Polígono la Ferrería, 08110 Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona, Spain, and with CIF (company tax code) B-62546791, guarantees compliance with the regulations for the protection of personal data and the adoption of all necessary security mechanisms and procedures to ensure the protection of Users data.

DINGONATURA declares that your personal data are stored safely and are processed with the utmost care, and guarantees full compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data.

II. Recommendations

Please read carefully and observe the following recommendations:

III. Processing personal data. purpose of processing.

This privacy policy governs the access and use of the Website service at (hereinafter, the “Website”, owned by DINGONATURA.

DINGONATURA declares that the personal data required of Users will be those strictly necessary and they will be kept provided that the deletion of these data is not requested by the interested party.

Such data will be those you provide or those that can be collected on the Website owned by DINGONATURA, through contact forms or by any other means.

All fields on data collection forms must be completed (unless otherwise indicated), so that the omission of any of them will mean that we cannot attend to your request or provide services.

DINGONATURA informs you that the personal data you provide through this Website will be included in an automated personal data file duly registered at the General Data Protection Register of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, and for whichDINGONATURA is the data controller, in compliance with that set forth in data protection regulations.

(i) Purposes of processing:

You hereby authorize and give your express consent to DINGONATURA for the processing of your personal data for the following purposes:

DINGONATURA may send you Newsletters and commercial and promotional communications related to DINGONATURA services by letter, telephone, email, SMS/MMS, or other equivalent electronic means of communication, this being under the provisions of the applicable regulations regarding the protection of information society data and services.

In accordance with the Purpose Limitation Principle as set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of this data, the User is hereby informed that their data will only be collected for the purposes stated in the previous paragraphs and will not be processed in a way that is incompatible with those purposes.

(ii) Profile creation:

Furthermore, the user explicitly consents to the processing of their Personal Data for the creation of profiles, as well as for the segmentation of their data. The aforementioned processing may have the aim of analysing and preparing statistics to know the traffic and use of the Platform by Users, as well as determining their tastes and preferences in order to offer them a service that is tailored to their preferences, as well as promotional information according to their interests.

IV.- Legitimation

DINGONATURA has a legitimate right to process data for the performance of the contract, through which users access the services offered in the Website.

The communication of personal data by the user to DINGONATURA is a necessary requirement for the provision of the services offered on the Website, and the omission of information will preclude the provision of the service by DINGONATURA.

The use of the data collected for the purpose of providing prospective products and/or services to users is based on the consent given by the interested party, without the withdrawal of such consent in any way determining the conclusion of the contract for the provision of services.

V.- Recipients

We inform you that your data will not be assigned or communicated to third companies.

VI.- Obligatory or optional nature of the information provided by the user and veracity of data

The User guarantees that the personal data provided are truthful and is responsible for communicating any modification of these to DINGONATURA.The User will in any case be responsible for the veracity of the data provided, DINGONATURA reserving the right to exclude any User who has provided false information from the services registered, without prejudice to other applicable legal actions.

VII.- Prohibited practices

DINGONATURA will cancel the registration of users who: (i) include or promote illegal, immoral, obscene or harmful material; (ii) promote any type of discrimination; (iii) Send bulk, junk or spam e-mails or newsgroup communications when they have not been requested; (iv) breach any intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties.Furthermore, the user undertakes to refrain from using and collecting data from distribution lists that can be accessed through the information and services contained on the Website for the performance of activities with promotional or advertising purposes, as well as sending commercial communications of any kind and through any medium not requested or previously consented to by DINGONATURA and/or Website users.

VIII. Acceptance of the dingonatura privacy policy and legitimation

The User expressly accepts this Privacy Policy and expressly consents to the automated processing of the personal data provided.

DINGONATURA is entitled to process its Users’ personal data, with the legal basis of the unequivocal consent given by the interested party.

However, the User may cancel the consent, in each commercial or advertising communication that is sent to them, and at any time, by means of notification to the following email address:, or by letter addressed to:Calle de la Electrónica, 16 Polígono la Ferrería, 08110 Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona, Spain.

IX. Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (arco rights)

We hereby inform you that the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition are very personal and will only be exercised by the affected User in accordance with the provisions of the data protection regulations.

In certain circumstances, users may request a data processing restriction, in which case they will only be stored for making or defending legal claims.

The User may freely exercise, and at any time, their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of their personal data at the following email address: or by ordinary mail addressed to: Calle de la Electrónica, 16 Polígono la Ferrería, 08110 Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona, Spain. The communication addressed to DINGONATURAmust contain the following information:first name and surname/s, address for the purposes of notifications, photocopy of National Identity Document or passport, and specific content of the exercised right.

Users may withdraw the consent granted for the use of their data for the purpose of sending Newsletters or commercial information at any time.

Without prejudice to any other administrative appeal or judicial action, Users shall have the right to file a complaint with a Supervisory Authority, particularly in the Member State where they have their usual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement if they consider that the processing of their personal data is not in accordance with the regulations, as well as in the case of not being satisfied with the exercise of their rights.The supervisory authority to which the complaint is filed will inform the claimant about the course and outcome of the complaint.

X. Veracity and quality of data supplied by users

The user guarantees that the personal information provided is accurate and truthful and is responsible for informing DINGONATURA of any changes. The User will in any case be responsible for the veracity of the data provided, DINGONATURA reserving the right to exclude any User who has provided false information from the services registered, without prejudice to other applicable legal actions.

XI. Security measures adopted by dingonatura

DINGONATURA shall take all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of its data and to prevent their alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, all in compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data.

DINGONATURA undertakes to comply with the duty of confidentiality and be bound by secrecy with respect to the personal data contained in the automated file in accordance with the applicable legislation, as well as to ensure their secure processing

XII. Modifications or changes

DINGONATURA reserves the right to review its Privacy Policy whenever it deems appropriate, in which case it will be communicated to the Users.However, please check this privacy statement regularly to read the most recent version of the DINGONATURA privacy policy.

XIII. Informed consent

The User declares that they have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of their personal data, accepting and consenting to their processing by DINGONATURA in the form, and for the purposes, indicated in this Privacy Policy.